
5083 H111TF, 6082 T651, 2017A T451/2


  5083 H111/TF aluminium alloy magnesium 6082 T651 aluminium magnesium silicon alloy 2017A T451/2 aluminium copper alloy
Numerical name 5083 6082 2017A
UNI 9004/5 9006/4 9002/2
sales name Peraluman Anticorodal Avional 22
Products Stress free internal sheeting, thickness from 3 to 1000 mm Tension free sheets, thickness from 0,8 to 350 mm Tension free sheets, thickness from 0,5 to 150 mm
Formats 2500 x 1250 mm, 3000 x 1500 mm,
3000 x 2000 mm
2000 x 1000 mm, 2500 x 1250 mm,
3000 x 1500 mm, 3000 x 2000 mm
4000 x 2000 mm
2000 x 800 mm, 2000 x 1000 mm
2500 x 1250 mm, 3000 x 2000 mm
Typical physical properties
HBS hardness 70/80 90/100 100/120
Specific weight g/cm3 2,66 2,71 2,79
Melting range °C 580 - 640 570 - 645 510 - 640
Linea Expansion coeff. (0 - 100°) 23,9 . 10-6 23,5 . 10-6 23 . 10-6
Elastic module MPa* 71.000 69.500 74.000
Poisson ratio 0,33 0,33 0,33
Thermal conductivity (0 100 ° C) W/m ° C 0/H32 Temper: 120 T6 Temper: 174 T4 Temper: 134
Resistance (20 °C µ1/2cm) 0/H32 Temper: 6,0 T6 Temper: 4,2 T4 Temper: 5,1
Specific heat (0 100 ° C) J/Kg ° C 945 945 920
(*) Average of the traction ancd compression module

Usage properties

Legend: A optimal, B good, C acceptable, D unsuitable

  5083 H111/TF aluminium alloy magnesium 6082 T651 aluminium magnesium silicon alloy 2017A T451/2 aluminium copper alloy
Using electron beam A A B
Under gas electrode (TIG o MIG) A B D
For resistance A A A
Brazing D B B
Deep drawing B - -
With takeway chip C C B
Polishing the surface A A B
Resistance to corrosion
Atmosferic A A C
Marine A B D
For protection A A C
Shiny C C C
Hard anodising A A B
Thermal treatment Material treated for annealing and totally free from internal stresses. It does not require other treatment before use. Heat treated and detensioned material it does not require other treatment prior to use. Heat treated and detensioned material it does not require other treatment prior to use.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition (According to Afnor A50-411 e A50-451)
% Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Zr+Ti Each Total ALU
5083 Min Max 0,40 0,40 0,10 0,40 1,0 4,0 4,9 0,05 0,25 0,25 0,15 - 0,05 0,15 the rest
6082 Min Max 0,7 1,3 0,50 0,10 0,40 1,0 0,6 1,2 0,25 0,20 0,10 - 0,05 0,15 the rest
2017A Min Max 0,20 0,8 0,70 3,5 4,5 0,40 1,0 0,40 1,0 0,15 0,25 - 0,25 0,05 0,15 the rest

2024 T3/T4, 7020 T6510, 7075 T651


  2024 T3/T4 aluminium copper alloy 7020 T6510 aluminium zinc magnesium alloy 7075 T651 aluminium zinc magnesium copper alloy
Numerical name 2024 7020 7075
ISO AlCu4, Mg1 AlZn4, 5Mg1 AlZn6 MgCu
UNI 9002/4 9007/1 9007/2
Commercial name Avional 24 Carpental Ergal, Constructal
Products Detensioned plates, thickness from 0,5 to 85 mm Thickness from 25 to 250 mm Detensioned plates, thickness from 6 to 150 mm
Formats 2000 x 1000 mm, 2000 x 800 mm,
3600 x 1220 mm
3020 x 1520 mm 2000 x 1000 mm, 2050 x 1250 mm
3000 x 1500 mm
Typical physical properties
HBS hardness 110/120 140/150 140/150
Spec. weight g/cm3 2,77 2,78 2,80
Melting range °C 500 - 638 605 - 645 475 - 630
Linear expansion coeff. (0 - 100°) 22,9 . 10-6 23,0 . 10-6 23,5 . 10-6
Elastic module MPa* 73.000 71.500 72.000
Poisson ratio 0,33 0,33 0,33
Thermal conductivity (0 100 ° C) W/m ° C T3 Temper: 120 T5 Temper: 140 T6 Temper: 130
Resistance (20 °C µ1/2cm) T3 Temper: 5,7 T5 Temper: 4,9 T6 Temper: 5,2
Specific heat (0 100 ° C) J/Kg ° C 920 920 915
(*) Average of traction and compression modules.

Usage properties

Legend: A optimal, B good, C acceptable, D unsuitable

  2024 T3/T4 aluminium copper alloy 7020 T6510 aluminium zinc magnesium alloy 7075 T651 aluminium zinc magnesium copper alloy
Using electron beam B B B
Under gas electrode (TIG o MIG) D B D
For resistance A B B
Brazing B B C
Deep drawing
With takeaway chip B B B
Polishing the surface B B B
Resistance to corrosion
Atmospheric C B C
Marine D C D
For protection C B B
Shiny B C C
Hard anodizing C A A
Thermal tratment Heat treated and detensioned material; no other treatments required before use. Material Air or water hardened according to thickness. No need for other treatments before use. Heat treated and detensioned material. No other treatments required before use.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition (according to Afnor A50-411 e A50-451)
% Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Zr Zr+Ti Each one Total ALU
2024 Min Max 0,50 0,50 3,8 4,9 0,30 0,9 1,2 1,8 0,10 0,25 0,15 - 0,20 0,05 0,15 the rest
7020 Min Max 0,35 0,40 0,20 0,05 0,50 1,0 1,4 0,10 0,35 4,0 5,0 0,10 0,08 0,20 0,08 0,25 0,05 0,15 the rest
7075 Min Max 0,40 0,50 1,2 2,0 0,30 2,1 2,9 0,18 0,28 5,1 6,1 - - 0,25 0,05 0,15 the rest

Contact Us

Italferro is located in Gambolò (PV), in viale Industria 36/38.

Our office is opened, from monday to friday, from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 13.30 to 18.00

viale Industria 36/38

27025 Gambolò (PV)

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